This year, we took 22 CYO students to RALLY 2022 on Sunday, October 23, 2022. The students had fun with inflatables, played bingo, had mass with Bishop Burbidge, listened to Rachel Leininger's keynote speech, and had a chance to watch the illusionist Danny Ray. Here are some of the things that the students had to say...
— Daniel
The rally was a fascinating experience for me. People were enjoying the food and gathering with the Priests, Nuns, and the Bishop. I remember when Bishop Burbidge told us that humans never stay static, we either increase or decrease.
It shows how God's words, teachings, and promises, NEVER get too old. There's always a vuja de, there's always a part of us that needs to grow, and God will be patient with you, so be patient with yourself too. As a final note, I would also like to say that Danny Ray rules!
— Cece
Rally was a really great experience which helped me to become closer to God, my peers, and my teachers. Bishop Burbidge’s words really touched me and helped me to really think and understand the true deeper meanings in the word of the Lord. After the rally, I felt I was able to reflect and understand more deeply and clearly about God and his impact on us as believers in God’s faith
— Madison
I really enjoyed the rally and all of the activities, especially Rachel Leininger's keynote, which was interesting and well thought out. The outside activities were fun and well put together. Overall, the event was very organized, it was a great bonding time, and I learned a lot.
번호 | 제목 | 행사일 | 조회 |
1011 | [행사] 2023 버지니아 성 정 바오로 성당 친선 골프 대회 | 2023-5-21 | 962 |
997 | [행사] WorkCamp 참가자들 본당 나눔터에 피크닉 테이블 설치 | 2023-5-20 | 865 |
991 | [행사] 청년 성서모임 제30차 탈출기 연수 | 2023-5-19 | 801 |
965 | [행사] 신학생 독서직 수여식 미사 | 2023-4-23 | 873 |
912 | [행사] 코비드 이후 시들어 가던 신앙에 불씨를 지펴준 어머니학교 | 2023-3-11 | 1026 |
844 | [행사] CYO Ice Skating Evnet | 2022-12-29 | 1335 |
835 | [행사] 2022년 주일학교 성탄 공연 - '우리들의 작은 성탄 이야기' | 2022-12-18 | 1118 |
813 | [행사] 대림 특강 - 새로운 계약의 궤인 성모님과 예수님의 강생 | 2022-12-11 | 1441 |
758 | [행사] Diocese of Arlington Rally | 2022-10-23 | 1500 |
757 | [행사] 2022년 불우이웃 돕기 5K 달리기, 걷기 대회 | 2022-10-22 | 985 |
703 | [행사] 본당의 이동한 다니엘 신학생 포함한 6명의 신학생, 사제 후보자로 선정 | 2022-8-13 | 1357 |
670 | [행사] 하상 한국학교 교사들 제 40회 학술대회 참가 | 2022-7-14 | 1222 |
652 | [행사] 김태광 신부님 연중 특강 - "회복의 삶"을 듣고 | 2022-7-10 | 1752 |
637 | [행사] 2022 WorkCamp | 2022-6-19 | 1162 |
629 | [행사] 2022 First Holy Communion | 2022-6-19 | 920 |