


Food donations to Catholic Charities

행사일: 2021-6-6
조회: 1109

We were given another wonderful opportunity from Catholic Charities- St. Lucy's Project to share Christ's love with others. I'm so grateful that they thought of our parish and reached out to us for support. By doing so, we were able to show Christ's love in action.

We hosted the event as a culminating Sunday School activity to end a very challenging school year due to COVID-19. It was our first time since the pandemic that we were able to have students come out to a big church event. Students from our Confirmation class showed up ready to serve, laugh, and to have fun. As a result of our parishioners' love and support, we were able to donate 1252 lbs of apples and oranges to St. Lucy's Project Food Warehouse.

I'm honored to be a part of this loving, faithful community, where we come together even stronger during times of need, to serve each other and people in need. As we start working towards returning to our normal routine, I hope the love that grew out of this difficult and challenging year continues to flourish. I'd like to thank Fr. Kim and Fr. Lee for allowing us to host the food drive, all the teachers and students who pitched in to help, and our wonderful parishioners for their contributions.

Thanks be to God for allowing us to serve in His name.

Autumn Koo, CYO Assistant Principal

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