


National Vocation Awareness week (Nov 5-11, 2023)

행사일: 2023-11-11
조회: 560

Our CCD & CYO students bring care packages to our seminarians in Mount St. Mary Seminary

The past week was National Vocation Awareness Week. In honor of National Vocation Awareness Week, CCD and CYO students made a care package with Korean snacks and wrote our seminarians, Paul and Dong Han, cards.
On Friday, November 10, Teachers and students of CCD and CYO went to Mount St. Mary Seminary to deliver notes and care packages. Once at the Seminary, Paul and Dong Han had lunch with us and gave a tour of the seminary.
Please pray for the formation and discernment of our seminarians, Paul and Dong Han, so they can continue to discern to follow their calling.

National Vocation Awareness Week
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